During these challenging times Sangwin is open for business as usual whilst also following very strict COVID 19 guidelines to ensure all its workforce and customers are protected including:
Nick Sangwin, Managing Director of the Sangwin Group, emphasises that “it is vital we have a safe workplace for all our staff and employees, customers and suppliers and we are continually reviewing the effectiveness of our procedures to ensure this remains a top priority”.
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Sangwin Educational Furniture has added a new delivery vehicle to its fleet. Craig Hardy, Manging Director of Sangwin Educational Furniture, stated that ” Due to the continued success and growth of Sangwin Educational Furniture Ltd, we welcome the new addition to our fleet of delivery vehicles. The recent purchase of the 18 tone vehicle, provides us with increased flexibility when adapting to the changing programmes on construction sites”.
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Sangwin Plant Hire has just added a new addition to the fleet. It is a 4 axle 100T Tadano crane with a 60m boom.It goes straight out on hire for 5 -6 weeks working 24 hour shifts for a valued customer. For all hire enquiries please contact our sales representative on tel: 01482 329921 or email sales@sangwin.co.uk
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Following the statement made by the Prime Minister on 23rd March, The Sangwin Group’s management team met to review the contents and are getting advice and further clarification as the current guidance allows construction sites to remain open but whilst we understand the need to look after our customers we must ensure the safety of our staff and workforce and subcontractors to maintain government guidelines.
We have sent all our staff home and are still working on sites where our customers wish us too. The government has stated that it will review construction sites in the next 48 hours.
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The Sangwin Group is taking the Covid-19 virus very seriously and continue to closely monitor the dynamically evolving situation.
Our aim is to provide a continuous service throughout the group with minimum disruption to our business, supply chain and clients.
We are doing everything we can to remain focused on delivering our services whilst being extra careful with hand washing made mandatory before entering sites and the office/factory/workshop for all employees and visitors.
Where possible office staff will be working from home, without disrupting service, and we have reduced the numbers of employees working in the factory by splitting the workforce into two, introducing two shifts.
We will be taking the governments advice when it is updated and we will continue to update you on any further advice from them.
We thank all of our colleagues who are working hard to help keep our business running.
Further updates will be available via our website. www.sangwin.co.uk
Thank you for your continued support.
Sangwin Group of Companies.
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